Sunday, September 20, 2015

Bailey Library Renovations

They say that the library is the heart of a college campus...or maybe I just read that online somewhere. Bailey Library here at SRU is definitely the heart of our campus. Three floors full of reference books, fiction, non-fiction, biographies, and journals are sure to win your heart over. However something is new this year...the library was renovated! I figured not many students would actually look around to take in the new lay-out of the second floor and this is why I chose to take pictures here. It's new bright, inviting colors really allow the students to get their creativity juices flowing. Plus, there are new study areas, a new young adult fiction section, and new chairs and couches. If you have yet to take a look on the second floor, I would recommend you take a walk and look around. It's absolutely gorgeous. 

The newly renovated 2nd floor of Bailey Library allow for more group work space and creativity.

Students Larissa Zeigler (left) and Courtney Marotto (right) use some of the new features of the 2nd floor, such as the whiteboards and new study desks.

The popular serpentine seating incorporates more personality and comfort to studying for student Rachel Brand.

Whiteboard tables add to the group studying experience for Lauren Harvey (left), Katie Teed (center), and Sohpie Mazza (right).

The bright, blue walls give the 2nd floor a cheery appearance, especially while working on the computer like Devan Zanaglio.

The new tables, as well as chairs, really make group work an easy task for these students.

Emily Reed is keeping an eye on things at the entirely new student assistant desk.
Bria Roney uses the new chairs for private studying that are toward the back of the 2nd floor.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Jaymie! Thanks for your interest in Bailey Library's renovations : )
